My story
I am a perpetual seeker who does not have all the answers. But Christian Science has been an invaluable support in every challenge I have faced in my own experience. It has addressed issues of physical health and helped me to overcome depression and anxiety, as well as relationship and financial issues, and find guidance in my career and life choices. I can’t imagine my life without this spiritual resource. My mission is to support others in finding peace, comfort, and healing as I have.
I took the required instruction for entering the Christian Science practice a couple years after graduating from NYU with a degree in theater. It was a number of years later, after a winding wilderness of my own, that I committed to this work as my full-time focus. Learn more about my wilderness experiences in these articles: One explores recovering from a horrible decision, one discusses finding a deeper approach to relationships, and one addresses the challenge of finding unity in divisive circumstances. In this podcast, I share an experience I had of physical healing through Christian Science treatment.
I’ve long been drawn to theological and metaphysical study as well as sharing dialogue with fellow people of faith. These interests led me to earn a Master of Divinity at Andover Newton Seminary, now part of Yale Divinity School. I’ve been very involved in ecumenical and interfaith work and have enjoyed visiting congregations of various denominations as a guest speaker. Through a program at Harvard Law School, I was trained as a mediator and coached students in conflict resolution skills. I taught public speaking classes to Harvard students and at adult education centers. I’ve also worked as an educator and re-entry program manager within the prison system and in other contexts with urban youth.
My combined interests in spirituality and the arts inspired me to write, develop and perform two one-woman-shows, What Color are Your Workboots? and Why? Yes! Both shows were vehicles for sharing a message of encouragement for people facing tough moments. I was invited to participate in an entrepreneurship program in San Diego where I explored ways to bring spirituality into the workplace. Ultimately I found that Christian Science provides the best tools I can offer in any setting, so I make myself available to share what I’ve learned through my practice as widely as possible.
From July 2013 through June 2016 I served as a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, traveling throughout the United States and focusing on youth audiences in churches as well as speaking at prisons, juvenile detention centers, and in other institutional settings. I’ve worked on various projects for the youth department of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, as well as for other departments within the church.
Sometimes a song is the best prayer I can offer, and at certain moments music provides a unique source of comfort and joy. Gospel music especially moves me, and I have enjoyed singing in choirs and small groups over many years.
I am continually seeking to grow, with a primary focus being to learn as much as I can about living and healing from a place of authenticity, strength, and compassion. Christian Science has been the best guide for me in this aspiration, and I love sharing what I am learning with others. I also know what it's like to fall short in that endeavor, and I'm forever thankful for grace.
Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and learn more about my work and Christian Science healing. I hope we will be in touch soon if it feels right to take that step.
The logo
It was not long after my divorce that I found myself in a hopeless moment. My financial situation was bleak, I felt totally inept at relationships, and I couldn’t see my way forward in any area of existence. Was it possible that my life could ever not be a mess?
In these moments, I often open my Bible to see where it lands and what message it has for me. I know that for many this book has mixed or negative connotations, and I fully understand and accept that. Thanks to what I’ve learned through Christian Science, the Bible has been a source of wisdom and healing where I find comfort and answers.
That night as I wearily reached out and opened to whatever “random” page I would land on, my eye fell on Psalms 78:19. The end of the verse asks, “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?”
The chapter reads as a list of ways that God guided the children of Israel from slavery to freedom through countless harrowing situations when it looked like destruction was imminent as they walked through dry and empty places for forty years. God wrung water from a stone, parted the Red Sea to carry them to safety, and provided daily bread in the midst of apparent dearth.
I couldn’t argue with that divine message. To me it was clear evidence that there was a bigger power governing and transforming my experience, and I needed to trust it and keep walking forward. Gradually opportunities began to open up in ways that I had never imagined possible, and my seemingly barren life became fruitful. It was during this time, ten years ago, that I formally established my work in the Christian Science practice, though I had been preparing for it over decades.
When initially building my website, I commissioned my mom, whose art I love, to draw “a table in the wilderness”, as you now see on the home page. Some time later, I chuckled as it occurred to me that God wouldn’t furnish an empty table. I suppose I should have specified that the table should be laden with luscious fruits, hearty breads, a bountiful feast.
But then I realized that as a symbol of the work of the Christian Science practice, the table on its own is quite appropriate. In her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy speaks of transforming “things into thoughts”. Healing through Christian Science requires no physical objects. It is a purely spiritual approach that reveals health in very real ways, but it requires no material items. The healing is in our thought and is inevitably manifested in our bodies and in our lives.